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NUI Restaurante Logotype

NUI Restaurant

Charms of NUI Restaurant

“NUI means a lot in the Hawaiian language”

The NUI restaurant is led by Chef Jeanine Gurgel and her team of national and international sous-chefs with high gastronomic experience. Located on the rooftop of the Hotel that promises unforgettable experiences.

Abundance of flavors, creativity, elegance, concept and connection with the place are just some of the aspects present in the restaurant.

The restaurant receives customers who are not staying due to reservations and availability. Gastronomic celebrations, good drinks or enjoy our wine list, sparkling wines and champagnes signed by the best sommiers.

Degustação NUI Restaurante
Degustação NUI Restaurante
Degustação NUI Restaurante
Reservations NUI Restaurant
Chef do NUI REstaurante
Momentos no NUI Restaurante
our cuisine

Chef Jeanine sees Makena as the place to create unique dishes

Renowned for its ability to create personalized menus, divine experiences and flavors. Chef Jeanine sees Makena as the perfect place to innovate and show her art with fresh, organic ingredients in the best “from sea to table” style.

Regionality and unique flavors:

The inputs are produced locally by the people of Icaraizinho and are the basis of our dishes with exuberant flavors.

Reservations NUI Restaurant
Moments at NUi

Unique dishes and moments, made with ingredients from the region

NUI Restaurante
Momentos no NUI Restaurante
NUI Restaurante
Momentos no NUI Restaurante
Momentos no NUI Restaurante
Momentos no NUI Restaurante
Momentos no NUI Restaurante
Momentos no NUI Restaurante
Degustação NUI Restaurante
Momentos no NUI Restaurante
Momentos no NUI Restaurante
Momentos no NUI Restaurante
Rating 5/5

Excellent restaurant with great seafood options and a varied drink menu

André Figueirêdo - Google Bussines

Rating 5/5

 The best service in Icaraizinho. Entries are great!

Thiago Miqueri - Google Bussines

Rating 5/5

 Best seafood experience!

Marcela Muller - Google Bussines

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live this experience

Enjoy top-notch local cuisine at NUI Restaurant

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