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Makena essence

Makena comes up with a new proposal and concept in the Icaraizinho

Designed by Gabriel Browne and his family, the Makena Hotel is a place where slow living reigns. A space where guests are encouraged to slow down, live in balance with nature and intensely appreciate the valuable moments of life.

Its privileged location, on the beach of Icaraizinho, about 190 km from Fortaleza, is ideal for of the commonplace and is always in search of unexplored landscapes.

Makena Hotel
architecture - concept - experiences

Attention to detail in every concept and construction

Marcelo Franco's architecture: Modern and minimalist, creates comfortable and elegant spaces, suitable for days of privacy and relaxation to bring the best of Icaraizinho.

The mix between moments: Energetic, dynamic and agitated; and others of calm, reflection and recollection make up the true essence of Makena.

Whether in adventure or stillness, nature is always the protagonist. Having the balance between regionality, nature and the excellence of international expertise, that Makena reinforces its uniqueness.

Makena HotelMakena HotelMakena Hotel

Makena essence values

Funcionarios MakenaPessoas na praia de IcaraíCafé da manhã Makena

Sustainability in all aspects of our essence

Our cuisine is mostly based on fresh products from the region. We prioritize local producers and fishermen.

Measures applied in Makena:

• Our energy is 100% clean. The hotel is fully powered by solar energy.

• We invested in technology for the treatment of all the water used in the hotel – a procedure that allows the reuse of water in different situations.

• We use biodegradable straws. Amenities are in eco-pumps – measures that prevent plastic buildup.

Icaraí de amontada and region

Live and experience what Icaraizinho and region has to offer

Here, haste and ostentation definitely have no place. Her intimates call her Icaraizinho – small in size and affectionate nickname, but giant in personality and soul.

Region Points:

• Moitas | Lençóis Cearenses | Guajiru | Makena Beach


• About 200 km from Fortaleza, close to Jericoacoara.

Places Location Icon
Makena BeachVilarejo de IcaraíParia de Icaraí
Mangue em Icaraí e RegiãoJantar personalizado MakenaKiteSurf

Your starting point to live and experience the best of Ceará

The strong winds in the region make Icaraí excellent for sports such as windsurfing and kitesurfing. This feature brings the first tourists to Icaraí, who were looking for beaches and powerful winds for seafarers.

Experiences you may have:

• Kitesurfing lessons
• Personalized dinners
• FatBike tours

• Yoga and meditation classes
• Functional training on the beach
• And many others

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live this experience

Experience the best of the Brazilian coast of Ceará at Makena Hotel


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