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Experience the best of the Brazilian coast of Ceará at Makena Hotel


Frequently asked questions by our guests and visitors

Still in doubt? Contact our team for support via WhatsApp. We will respond as soon as possible.

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What are the check-in and check-out times at Makena Hotel?
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Check-in at Makena Hotel is from 14:00. Check-out is until 12:00.
How far is Icarai from Makena Hotel?
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Makena Hotel is 400 meters from the center of Icaraí.
How can I get to Makena Hotel from the nearest airport?
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From the nearest airport, you can reach Makena Hotel by: Car 3h. Go to Google Maps to see our location.
Does Makena Hotel offer an airport shuttle?
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Yes, Makena Hotel offers an airport shuttle for guests. We recommend calling ahead to confirm details. at an additional cost.
From what age does Makena accept children?
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From 12 years old.

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